Tuesday 10 December 2013

Surface Modeling - A Baby Bottle

In this tutorial you learn:


  • How to model a Baby Bottle using the new BlueSurf command of Solid Edge
  • How to use the BlueSurf command
  • Thicken surfaces to make solids
    It is assumed that you are familiar with the basics of Solid Edge Part modeling.


  • t3002

    Visualize It - Front View

    Its important to first understand the shape of the Baby Bottle before modeling it.

    For this silhouette or driving curves prove useful.
    Identify the driving curves of the Baby Bottle — those curves that actually drive the finished shape of the surfaces.
    All you need to do on in the first few steps is read and understand.
    The front view of the Baby Bottle is as shown in figure.



    Drawing the profile - Front view

    Start with creating a sketch in the the x-z plane.

    Using the Curve   curvtool   tool, create the outline of the right part of the bottle.
    See figure.



    Visualize It - Side View

    The side view of the Baby Bottle is as shown in figure.



    Side Curve

    Draw an ellipse in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the earlier curves and passing through their end points.
    Trim the lower part of the ellipse.
    See figure.
    Connect the end-points of the ellipse well to the end points of both the curves.
    This takes care of the shape of the bottle near the neck.



    Side Curve – Grip

    Draw an ellipse in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the earlier curves and passing through their mid points.
    Trim the lower part of the ellipse.
    See figure.
    Connect the end-points of the ellipse well to the mid points of both the curves.
    This takes care of the shape of the bottle where the baby holds the bottle with its both hands..



    The BlueSurf - First Curve

    Click the BlueSurf   bluesurf   tool on the surfacing toolbar.
    Select the trimmed ellipse at the end and click accept accept   on the ribbon bar.



    The BlueSurf - Second Curve

    Select the trimmed ellipse in the middle and click accept accept[4]   on the ribbon bar.
    Both - correct and incorrect - ways of picking the second curve are shown in figure.

    Pick in the correct way.



    BlueSurf Appears

    Click accept accept[6]   and then Preview.

    A BlueSurf will be created as shown in figure.



    Add a Guide Curve

    Still in the BlueSurf command,
    Click the Add Guide Curves guidcurv   button on the ribbon bar.
    Select the curve as shown and click accept accept[8]



    BlueSurf changes Form - Curve 1

    The BlueSurf changes its form as shown in figure.



    Another Guide Curve – Type

    Select Single from the Select pull-down list on the ribbon bar.



    Add Another Guide Curve

    Select the other curve as shown in figure.

    Click the accept accept[10] Preview and Finish buttons in that order.



    BlueSurf Created

    A BlueSurf, as shown in figure, is finally created .
    This surface spans the two trimmed ellipse and is guided by the two curves.

    This is only 1/8 th of the total bottle.



    Mirror to ¼

    So mirror it as shown in figure.
    This is only 1/4 th of the total bottle.



    Mirror to ½

    So mirror it again as shown in figure.



    Mirror to Full

    Mirror it again to get the complete surface.



    Stitch the Surfaces

    Click the Stitch Surface   stitchsu   tool on the surfacing toolbar.
    Select all the eight Bluesurfs as shown in figure.
    Click accept accept[12]   and Finish on the ribbon bar.
    The Bluesurfs are stitched together to form a single surface.



    Surface to Solid

    Click the Thicken   thicken   tool on the Features toolbar.
    The Thicken tool is in the same flyout as the Thin Wall and Thin Region tools.
    Select the stitched surface to thicken.
    Use a suitable value to thicken in any direction.
    Use the Part Painter to apply a color of your choice.



    Create the Opening

    Create a simple protrusion of suitable diameter to create the mouth of the bottle.
    Round off sharp edges at the top and neck not just for for aesthetic looks but also since this is a Baby Bottle.



    Create Base Rest – Cut

    Similarly, create the base rest for the bottle.
    First cut rip the bottom rounded portion of the bottle.
    This will reveal the thickness you applied in the thicken step.



    Create Base Rest – Close

    Next, create a simple protrusion and round off sharp edges again.



    Baby Bottle Ready

    This being a Baby Bottle, take care that there are absolutely no sharp edges on any part of the bottle.
    You can ensure this by making the beginning profiles tangential whenever they are mirrored or wherever two disjointed profiles meet each other at any stage in the process.



    cMayoCAD is a first of its kind training program where you learn to build your own, brand new, fully functional CAD system using a geometric modeling kernel.

    Click here to download the detailed course contents for cMayoCAD


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