Wednesday 29 October 2014

Solid Edge Video Quick Tip #013

In the Solid Edge assembly environment you can quickly print the assembly structure with several other details in a collapsible tabular format with the following steps:

1. Open the assembly.

2. Right click on the assembly node in the Path Finder.


3. From the context menu, select Occurrence Properties.


4. In the dialog that appears, right-click on the root node again and select Expand All


5. Right-Click again and select Columns... to choose the columns to display.


6. Adjust the column order and width as desired and click the Print icon in the top-left corner of the dialog to print the assembly structure along with the details as chosen in the columns.


7. The assembly structure is printed exactly as seen in the properties dialog:


The following video illustrated this:

( Solid Edge Video Quick Tip #013

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