Sunday, 16 September 2018

Solid Edge Video Quick Tip #076

This Solid Edge video tip is about using the Recognize Holes and Recognize Hole Patterns commands in conjunction with the Create 3D, Part Copy, and Scale Body commands.

Unrelated commands like Part Copy and Create 3D have been in existence since the earliest releases of Solid Edge, while ST1 for the first time in the history of any CAD enabled importing dumb geometry and modifying its features like they were created natively. Scale Body, on the other hand, was introduced only recently in ST10. What do these commands have in common?

Well, there is a combo of post-processing commands that render the outcome of these features meaningful. The commands are Recognize Holes introduced in ST5 and Recognize Hole Pattern which was new in ST6. Let's take a closer look at each of these and how the duo recognition commands compliment them.

The following video shows the steps in detail:

[To view the video fullscreen, right click on the video - Copy URL - Paste in a new browser window]

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