To add an app to the Solid Edge
Radial menu, follow these steps:
1. Right click on any button on the
Ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon... from the context
menu that appears.
Or, from the Solid Edge title bar,
click the Customize button which appears as a small arrow pointing down and
select Customize... from the menu.
2. In the Customize dialog take the
“Radial Menu” tab as shown below:
3. This
will display the Radial menu on the right side and the list of commands on the
left side in the form of a tree view with commands grouped similarly to those on
the Ribbon.
4. In
the pull-down list for “Choose commands from” select “Macros”
5. This
will display the Browse button at the bottom of the list:
6. Click the Browse... button at the
bottom of the list and navigate to the folder where you saved the downloaded apps.
Don’t pick any file yet. Click OK
newer versions of Solid Edge a modern folder picker dialog will appear:
to the folder. But application .exe files will not be displayed.
the Select Folder button.
will list all macros from the folder in the Customize dialog.
7. Drag
a app filename from the list on the left and drop into an existing slot on the
Radial Menu on the right. This will replace the existing command in that slot
with the app.
After dropping, the icon for the app will be displayed in the radial menu slot.
display an icon for the app in the radial menu, an image file with the same name
as the app exe file should be present in the same folder as the apps folder as
shown below:
The image can be of size 24 x 24 or
32 x 32 preferably a PNG file with transparent background.
the Customize dialog, If you hover the mouse over the slot in the radial menu,
it shows the full path of the app. This will help you later to find the
location of the folder of an app you added to the radial menu.
If you
have stored apps in different folders, repeat from step (6) to add each app to
the radial menu.
The radial menu does
not differentiate between Solid Edge Apps and other exe files.
If you browse to the Windows folder and drop the Notepad.exe
or calc.exe into the radial menu slot, it will be added without any problems and
the notepad or calculator application will also start from the radial menu.
When using the radial menu in Solid Edge if you keep
the right-moue button pressed and move the cursor over a slot containing an app
and hover the mouse cursor for a while without letting go, it will display the
full path of the app as shown above.
Also read:
Also read:
| |
00. Assigning a Keyboard Shortcut For An App | |
00. Running An App From The Quick Access Toolbar |
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